A six degree-of-freedom fused silica seismometer: design and tests of a metal prototype

Amit Singh Ubhi, Jiri Smetana, Teng Zhang, Sam Cooper, Leonid Prokhorov, John Bryant, David Hoyland, Haixing Miao, Denis Martynov

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Ground vibrations couple to the longitudinal and angular motion of the aLIGO test masses and limit the observatory sensitivity below 30 Hz. Novel inertial sensors have the potential to improve the aLIGO sensitivity in this band and simplify the lock acquisition of the detectors. In this paper, we experimentally study a compact 6D seismometer that consists of a mass suspended by a single wire. The position of the mass is interferometrically read out relative to the platform that supports the seismometer. We present the experimental results, discuss limitations of our metallic prototype, and show that a compact 6D seismometer made out of fused silica and suspended with a fused silica fibre has the potential to improve the aLIGO low frequency noise.
Original languageEnglish
Article number015006
JournalClassical and Quantum Gravity
Issue number1
Early online date6 Dec 2021
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jan 2022


  • controls
  • feedback
  • interferometric
  • seismic isolation
  • seismometers
  • suspensions


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