A new class of alumina-forming superalloy for 3D printing

Joseph N. Ghoussoub, Przemysław Klupś, William J.B. Dick-Cleland, Kathryn E. Rankin, Satoshi Utada, Paul A.J. Bagot, D. Graham McCartney, Yuanbo T. Tang*, Roger C. Reed

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A new class of crack-resistant nickel-based superalloy containing high 𝛾′ fraction is studied for the laser-powder bed fusion (L-PBF) process. The effects of the (Nb+Ta)/Al ratio is emphasized, a strategy that is shown to confer excellent low-temperature strength whilst maintaining oxidation resistance at high temperatures via stable alumina scale formation. The processability of the new alloys is characterized with respect to defect assessment by micro-focus X-ray computed tomography; use is made of a prototype turbine blade geometry and the heritage alloy CM247LC as a benchmark. In all cases, some processing-related porosity is present in thin wall sections such as the trailing edge, but this can be avoided by judicious processing. The cracking seen in CM247LC – in solid-state, liquation and solidification forms – is avoided. A novel sub-solvus heat treatment strategy is proposed which takes advantage of AM not requiring solutioning; super-solvus heat treatment is inappropriate since it embrittles the material by deterioration of the texture and coarsening of grain boundary carbides. The tensile strength of the new superalloy is greatest when the Nb+Ta content is highest and exceeds that of CM247LC up to ∼ 900 C. The oxidation resistance is best when Al content is highest, and oxidation assisted cracking resistance maximized when the (Nb+Ta)/Al ratio is balanced. In all cases these are equivalent or superior to that of CM247LC. Nevertheless, the creep resistance of the new alloys is somewhat inferior to that of CM247LC for which the 𝛾′ , C, and B contents are higher; this implies a processing/property trade-off which requires further clarification.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102608
Number of pages14
JournalAdditive Manufacturing
Early online date5 Feb 2022
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022

Bibliographical note

The financial support of this work by Alloyed Ltd. as well as The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in the Chemical, Biomedical and Materials Science Engineering division award number 532410. The authors acknowledge funding from Innovate UK, under project number 104047, specifically the Materials and Manufacturing Division, as well as funding for the National X-ray Computed Tomography (NXCT) grant code EP/T02593X/1 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), United Kingdom . The authors acknowledge Prof. Ian Sinclair, Dr. David Crudden, Dr. André Németh and Dr. Matthew Fawkes for their support and advisory roles regarding this body of work.


  • Additive manufacturing
  • Ni-based superalloys
  • Alloy design
  • Micro-CT
  • Creep
  • Oxidation


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