A Geophysical Investigation of the Pâclele Mici Mud Volcano in Romania Using Deep Geoelectrical Surveys

Andrei Mihai*, Alexandra Gerea, Dragoș Tataru, Eduard Nastase, Bogdan Grecu, Filippos Vallianatos (Editor)

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Featured Application: Deep geoelectrical mapping of subsurface objectives.
Abstract: This work presents a case study of a geoelectrical exploration of understudied mud volcanoes in Romania, specifically the Pâclele Mici mud volcano from Buzău County. Using a geoelectrical technique facilitated by the distributed network of V-FullWaver equipment, we present, to our knowledge, the first deep 3D case study of a mud volcano in the country. The findings indicate that while geoelectrical surveys in such environments are met with important challenges in terms of soil conductivity, they nonetheless provide a viable approach to uncovering the complex structures and processes of mud volcanoes. We map a part of the mud volcano, showing that the active subsurface part corresponds only partly with what is visible on the surface, and suggest a framework for an in-depth analysis of the extensive mud volcano area.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2463
Number of pages14
JournalApplied Sciences
Issue number6
Early online date14 Mar 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

This work is supported by the SETTING Project (Integrated thematic services in the field of Earth observation—a national platform for innovation), co-financed by the Regional Development European Fund (FEDR) through the Operational Competitivity Programme 2014–2020 (contract no. 336/390012).


  • mud volcano
  • geoelectrical
  • FullWaver


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