A framework for building climate storylines based on downward counterfactuals: the case of the European Union Solidarity Fund

Alessio Ciullo*, Olivia Martius, Eric Strobl, David N. Bresch

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Recent research introduced the concept of climate storylines as an alternative approach to estimate climate impact and better deal with uncertainties. A climate storyline is an event-based approach which aims at building “physically self-consistent unfolding of past events, or of plausible future events or pathways”. As such, climate storylines may profit from downward counterfactual thinking, which aims at analyzing how past events could have been worse. Notwithstanding the various applications of downward counterfactual thinking in the natural risk management literature, no study relates this with the climate storyline approach. The main goal of this paper is thus to introduce a framework that supports the development of climate storylines from downward counterfactuals. The framework is event-oriented, it focuses on impact, and it is designed to be applied in a participatory fashion. As a proof-of-concept application, we study the impact of tropical cyclone events on the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) and do not conduct a participatory analysis. These events represent a serious threat to the European outermost regions, and their impact to the EUSF capital availability has never been studied. We find that payouts due to tropical cyclones can hamper a recovery of the fund if large payouts concurrently occur in mainland Europe. To avoid this also considering future changes, an increase in capitalization up to 90 % percent may be required.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100349
Number of pages12
JournalClimate Risk Management
Publication statusPublished - 5 Aug 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade (RECEIPT) project, grant agreement No 820712. The authors acknowledge Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler for providing feedbacks to an earlier version of this manuscript and the three anonymous reviewers whose comments substantially improved the quality of the manuscript.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The Author(s)


  • Climate storylines
  • Downward counterfactuals
  • European Union Solidarity Fund

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Global and Planetary Change
  • Geography, Planning and Development
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law


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