Archiving Real-Time Literary Responses to the Covid-19 in Latin America

Project Details


Our understanding of the Covid-19 pandemic is incomplete if we forget how it was narrated when it was happening, when the fear of the virus was not a memory but a live reality. This project will investigate and create an online archive of the ways in which Latin American writers responded to the pandemic through social media and other digital platforms in the first two years of the health crisis. When these authors were experiencing the pandemic alongside their audiences, they produced an online body of writing deeply engaged with the fears and anxieties caused by the virus worldwide. As the world moves on from Covid-19, these texts risk getting lost in the Internet’s ever-growing mass of content. This project will create an open-access digital archive to study them, keep record of Latin America’s pandemic experience and enable public access and future research into the narration of a global crisis.
Short titleArchiving Real-Time Literary Responses to the Covid-19 in Latin America
Effective start/end date1/06/2331/05/25


  • British Academy


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