Personal profile


2021 – Present              PhD Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology    University of Birmingham

Relevant modules: Philosophy of Social Science | Fundamentals in Quantitative research methods | Foundations in Qualitative Research 

Thesis Title: How has covid-19 impacted working university students experience about their current work/education life balance in this digital age?


2019 – 2020                  MA Digital Media and Society                           University of Leicester

Grade Achieved:           Distinction

Relevant modules: Digital media in everyday life | Digital Media, Online Persuasion and Behavioural Change | Sociology of Digital Media

Final Year dissertation: How isolated do postgraduate university students feel as a result of social media? Involved independent research using online surveys and interviews as a method of data collection.


2015 – 2019                  BA Sociology Degree                                        Coventry University

Grade Achieved:           2:1

Relevant modules: Identity, Selfhood, and Relationships | Media, Culture and Communication | Gender and Society | Understanding Society

Final year Dissertation: To what extent does cultural background impact the way we use our mobile phones? Entailed independent research employing online surveys as a method of data collection.


2008-2015                    A Level and GCSEs                                            Paget High School

A Level: Sociology (E), Film Studies (C) and Health and Social Care (D*)
10 G.C.S.E grade A-C including Maths and English

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Arts, How isolated do postgraduate university students feel as a result of social media? , University of Leicester

Sept 2019Sept 2020

Award Date: 26 Nov 2020

Bachelor of Arts, To what extent does cultural background impact the way we use our mobile phones? , Coventry University

Sept 2015Jul 2019

Award Date: 20 Nov 2019


  • H Social Sciences (General)
  • Work-life balance
  • Covid-19
  • Higher Education
  • Knowledge Exchange
  • Blended Learning
  • Digital Technology