360+x : A Panoptic Multi-modal Scene Understanding Dataset

  • Hao Chen (Creator)
  • Yuqi Hou (Creator)
  • Chenyuan Qu (Creator)
  • Irene Testini (Creator)
  • Jianbo Jiao (Creator)
  • Xiaohan Hong (Creator)



60+x dataset introduces a unique panoptic perspective to scene understanding, differentiating itself from existing datasets, by offering multiple viewpoints and modalities, captured from a variety of scenes. Our dataset contains: 1. 2,152 multi-model videos captured by 360° cameras and Spectacles cameras (8,579k frames in total) 2. Capture in 17 cities across 5 countries. 3. Capture in 28 Scenes from Artistic Spaces to Natural Landscapes. 4. Temporal Activity Localisation Labels for 38 action instances for each video.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the large volume of the data files, they have been stored in the BEAR Research Data Store space. If you wish to access the data, please contact research-data@contacts.bham.ac.uk to request and receive the relevant link to the data folder.
Date made available5 Apr 2024
PublisherUniversity of Birmingham
Date of data production2022 - 2024

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