Woundcare Research for Appropriate Products (WRAP): validation of the TELER method involving users

N Browne, P Grocott, S Cowley, Carol Dealey

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24 Citations (Scopus)


Woundcare Research for Appropriate Products (WRAP) is a novel collaboration WRAP between industry and clinicians, funded by the Engineering and Physical Research Sciences Council. WRAP objectives included the development and testing of methodologies to identify patients' and clinicians' needs with respect to wound dressings for exudate management. The management of exudate was the focus because it was demonstrated to be the pivotal problem for patients and clinicians in a study of malignant wounds, and is a recurring problem in other wound types. A clinical note-making system (Treatment Evaluation by Le Roux's method--TELER) was validated as a method of collecting observational data of dressing performance in the context of total patient care, thereby involving the users of dressing products. The validation process was a form of consensus where multiple sources of data were used to define patient problems, within the TELER indicators, to measure a change or lack of change in the problems during a period of treatment and care and to draw conclusions about dressing performance and patient experiences.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)559-571
Number of pages13
JournalInternational Journal of Nursing Studies
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2004


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