“We were fighting for our place”: Resisting gender and knowledge regimes through feminist knowledge network formation

Jones Sally, Angela Martinez Dy, Natalia Vershinina

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The transformative potential of feminist knowledge in the disciplines of entrepreneurship, business and management has arguably been hindered by persistent gender and knowledge regimes that marginalise feminist scholarship and channel widely-applicable gender expertise into streams, conferences and publication outlets primarily about, by, and for women. Whilst offering valuable spaces for feminist knowledge production, removing gender expertise from mainstream fora reduces its centrality to broader debates, maintaining its marginality and limiting its impact. Taking a collaborative autoethnographic approach, we explore the formation and development of a UK-based organisation for feminist entrepreneurship scholars, the Gender and Enterprise Network, as a means of collective resistance to this perpetuation of enforced marginality. The group’s explicit aim of collaboratively strengthening feminist gender expertise has enabled us to challenge gender knowledge regimes and leverage this knowledge to lobby for social change both within and outside of their respective organisations.
Original languageEnglish
JournalGender, Work and Organization
Early online date11 Sept 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 Sept 2018


  • Gender Regimes
  • Knowledge Regimes
  • Feminism
  • Knowledge Networks


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