Uveitis: a potentially blinding disease

Omar Durrani, Catherine Meads, Philip Murray

Research output: Contribution to journalReview article

187 Citations (Scopus)


Uveitis (intraocular inflammation) is a potentially blinding group of, probably autoimmune, conditions predominantly occurring in the working age group. Although the aetiology is unknown in most cases, many patients have an associated underlying systemic disease. Central vision loss, in the form of cystoid macular oedema, is the commonest type of visual impairment. Although historical incidence and prevalence data exists, little is known about the degree of vision loss experienced, and the social and financial consequences of having temporary or permanent visual impairment in this age group. The literature is also full of uncontrolled studies and case reports of different modalities of drug therapy for uveitis. This article attempts to raise the awareness of uveitis as an important sight-threatening group of conditions by highlighting the paucity of evidence-based data on epidemiological, quality of life, socioeconomic, and therapeutic aspects.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)223-36
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2004


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