Underlining micro socio-psychological mechanisms of buyer-supplier relationships: implications for inter-organizational learning agility

Abraham Carmeli, G. D. Markman, Itzik Zivan, Emanuel Gomes

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The nature and patterns of vertical work relationships between buyers and suppliers is a key subject of inquiry in organization and management research. However, the mechanisms conducive to transforming transaction-based relationships into commitment-based relationships remain elusive. Although commitment-based relationships can produce various outcomes, little is known about whether and how these work relationships build and facilitate inter-organizational capabilities and their performance implications. This article presents a theoretical model that clarifies the micro socio-psychological mechanisms by which buyers and suppliers can develop inter-organizational learning agility. By drawing on theoretical insights in the areas of social exchange, micro-foundations, positive work relationships, commitment, and dynamic capabilities, it suggests that three mechanisms – respectful engagement, rich and ongoing communication, and advice seeking and giving – can transition buyer-supplier relations from transactional ties to commitment-based ties. It is argued that relationship commitment is a key to building inter-organizational learning agility by enacting three mechanisms: psychological availability, generativity and reflective reframing. The discussion centers on the fundamentals for developing this stream of research.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHuman Resource Management Review
Early online date3 Jan 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Jan 2017


  • Buyer-supplier work relationships
  • vertical relationships
  • relationship commitment
  • inter-organizational learning agility


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