UK analysts' and policy-makers’ perspectives on Brexit: challenges, priorities and opportunities for subnational areas

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This paper explores the perspectives of expert analysts and policy-makers on the implications of Brexit for different parts of the UK economy. For local and regional areas, the need for such expert voices to be heard is urgent, given the fact that UK subnational and substate governance authorities have been effectively blocked out of all Brexit-related negotiations, and as such, are wholly unprepared for the post-Brexit realities. The issues discussed in this paper reflect the key themes that came out of four regional stakeholder participatory symposia organized by The UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE), which were held in Leeds, Birmingham, London and Edinburgh, and that focused on the Brexit-related economic and governance challenges for the different parts of the UK. These issues are examined in the light of the recent ‘levelling-up’ agenda prioritized by the UK government.
Original languageEnglish
JournalRegional Studies
Early online date6 Nov 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 Nov 2020


  • Brexit
  • UK regions
  • devolution
  • services
  • value-chain


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