The Modality of a Borel Subgroup in a Simple Algebraic Group of Type E8

Simon Goodwin, Peter Mosch, Gerhard Roehrle

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Let G be a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field k, where char k is either 0 or a good prime for G. We consider the modality mod(B : u) of the action of a Borel subgroup B of G on the Lie algebra u of the unipotent radical of B, and report on computer calculations used to show that mod(: u) = 20, when G is of type E8. This completes the determination of the values for for mod(: u)  G of exceptional type.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
JournalExperimental Mathematics
Early online date29 Jun 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 29 Jun 2018


  • Borel subgroups
  • modality
  • reductive algebraic groups


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