The migration state in the global south: nationalizing, developmental, and neoliberal models of migration management

Fiona Adamson, Gerasimos Tsourapas

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How do states in the Global South manage cross-border migration? This article identifies Hollifield’s “migration state” as a useful tool for comparative analysis yet notes that in its current version the concept is limited, given its focus on economic immigration in advanced liberal democracies. We suggest a framework for extending the “migration state” concept by introducing a typology of nationalizing, developmental, and neoliberal migration management regimes. The article explains each type and provides illustrative examples drawn from a range of case studies. To conclude, it discusses the implications of this analysis for comparative migration research, including the additional light it sheds on the migration management policies of states in the Global North.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)853-882
Number of pages30
JournalInternational Migration Review
Issue number3
Early online date24 Oct 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Oct 2019


  • Migration
  • Diasporas
  • Global South
  • Refugees
  • Migration in the Global South
  • Migration State
  • Emigration
  • Politics of Migration in the Global South


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