The G-20 and International Economic Governance: Hegemony, Collectivism, or Both?

Mark Beeson, S Bell

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

62 Citations (Scopus)


Following the East Asian crisis of 1997-1998, much attention was paid to financial sector reform. While little of substance has changed in the intervening years, a number of potentially important new forums were established to facilitate international cooperation. By drawing on and modifying theories of hegemony, this article provides a theoretical context within which to explore one of these institutions: the Group of 20 (G-20). The key question examined is whether institutions like the G-20 are likely to provide genuine mechanisms for cooperation and inclusion or simply become instruments of "hegemonic incorporation." The argument here is that despite the continuing "structural" dominance of the international system by the United States and the Group of 7 (G7) nations, the G-20 provides some scope for other nations to influence outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)67-86
Number of pages20
JournalGlobal Governance
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009


  • institutions
  • international financial system
  • hegemony
  • G-20
  • governance


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