Smoke-free homes – what are the barriers, motivators and enablers? A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis

Megan Passey, Jo Longman, Jude Robinson, John Wiggers, Laura Jones

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    Objective: To thematically synthesise primary qualitative studies of the barriers, motivators and enablers of smoke-free homes (SFH).
    Design: Systematic review and thematic synthesis.
    Data sources: Searches of Medline, EBM Reviews (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews), PsycINFO, Global Health, CINAHL, Web of Science, Informit and Embase, combining terms for families, households and vulnerable populations; SFH and secondhand smoke; and qualitative research, were supplemented by searches of PhD theses, key authors, specialist journals and reference lists.
    Study selection: We included 22 articles, reporting on 18 studies, involving 646 participants. Inclusion criteria: peer-reviewed; English language; published from 1990 onwards (to Week 3 of April 2014); used qualitative data collection methods; explored participants’ perspectives of home smoking behaviours, and the barriers, motivators and enablers to initiating and/or maintaining a SFH.
    Data extraction: One of three authors extracted data with checking by a second.
    Data synthesis: A thematic synthesis was performed to develop seven core analytic themes: (i) knowledge, awareness and risk perception; (ii) agency and personal skills/attributes; (iii) wider community norms and personal moral responsibilities; (iv) social relationships and influence of others; (v) perceived benefits, preferences and priorities; (vi) addiction and habit; (vii) practicalities.
    Conclusions: This synthesis highlights the complexity faced by many households in having a SFH, the practical, social, cultural and personal issues that need to be addressed and balanced by households, and that while some of these are common across study settings, specific social and cultural factors play a critical role in shaping household smoking behaviours. The findings can inform policy and practice and the development of interventions aimed at increasing SFHs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere010260
    JournalBMJ open
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Mar 2016


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