Reciprocity and Mutuality: People with Learning Disabilities as Carers

Nicola Ward

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    5 Citations (Scopus)


    Like other binary divides, the division between care giver and care receiver tends to render invisible the realities of caring relationships. Those traditionally seen as vulnerable and in need of care can be subjected to paternalistic and oppressive practices whilst at the same time, the care needs of the person seen as the ‘carer giver’ can become obscured. People with learning disabilities have traditionally been seen as care receivers, whilst their parents and other family members have been seen as their care givers. Utilising and developing the concepts of mutuality and reciprocity, this chapter draws on examples from research with people with learning disabilities who are carers and uses a critical ethic of care as a framework to explore these experiences
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEthics of Care: Critical Advances in International Perspective
    EditorsMarian Barnes, Tula Brannelly, Lizzie Ward, Nicki Ward
    Place of PublicationBristol, UK
    PublisherThe Policy Press
    ISBN (Print)9781447316541
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2015


    • ‘Mutual Care’
    • Mutuality
    • Reciprocity
    • ‘Learning Disability’


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