Personal exposure to HBCDs and its degradation products via ingestion of indoor dust

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59 Citations (Scopus)


Personal exposures via ingestion of indoor dust to alpha-, beta-, and gamma-hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) and the degradation products (pentabromocyclododecenes (PBCDs) and tetrabromocyclododecadienes (TBCDs)) were estimated for 21 UK adults. Under an average dust ingestion scenario, personal exposures ranged from 4.5 to 1851 ng SigmaHBCDs day(-1); while the range under a high dust ingestion scenario was 11 to 4630 ng SigmaHBCDs day(-1). On average, personal exposure to SigmaHBCDs via dust ingestion in this study was 35% alpha-, 11% beta-, and 54% gamma-HBCD. However, while exposure to beta-HBCD (4-18% of SigmaHBCDs) was relatively consistent with the proportion of this diastereomer in the HBCD commercial formulation; exposures to alpha- and gamma-isomers (11-58% and 29-82% of SigmaHBCDs respectively) showed substantial variation from the commercial formulation pattern. Personal exposures to SigmaTBCDs (median=0.2 ng day(-1) under an average dust ingestion scenario) and SigmaPBCDs (1.4 ng day(-1)) were significantly lower (p
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)870-876
Number of pages7
JournalEnvironment International
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009


  • Personal exposure
  • LC/MS/MS
  • Indoor dust
  • HBCDs
  • Degradation products


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