On the hard sphere model and sphere packings in high dimensions

Matthew Jenssen, Felix Joos, Will Perkins

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We prove a lower bound on the entropy of sphere packings of Rd of density _.d _ 2􀀀d /. The entropy measures how plentiful such packings are, and our result is significantly stronger than the trivial lower bound that can be obtained from the mere existence of a dense packing. Our method also provides a new, statistical-physics-based proof of the .d _ 2􀀀d / lower bound on the maximum sphere packing density by showing that the expected packing density of a random configuration from the hard sphere model is at least .1 C od .1// log.2=p 3/d _ 2􀀀d when the ratio of the fugacity parameter to the volume covered by a single sphere is at least 3􀀀d=2. Such a bound on the sphere packing density was first achieved by Rogers, with subsequent improvements to the leading constant by Davenport and Rogers, Ball, Vance, and Venkatesh.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1
Number of pages19
JournalForum of Mathematics, Sigma
Early online date14 Jan 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Jan 2019


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