Observation of a Broad Structure in the pi+pi- J/psi Mass Spectrum at 4.26 GeV/c2

B Aubert, Matthew Barrett, Kelly Ford, Theresa Harrison, Alistair Hart, Christopher Hawkes, Sian Morgan, Alan Watson

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762 Citations (Scopus)


We study initial-state radiation events, e+ e- --> gammaISR pi+ pi- J/psi, with data collected with the BABAR detector. We observe an accumulation of events near 4.26 GeV/c2 in the invariant-mass spectrum of pi+ pi- J/psi. Fits to the mass spectrum indicate that a broad resonance with a mass of about 4.26 GeV/c2 is required to describe the observed structure. The presence of additional narrow resonances cannot be excluded. The fitted width of the broad resonance is 50 to 90 MeV/c2, depending on the fit hypothesis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)142001
Number of pages1
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2005


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