Maximizing motivation in sport and physical education among children and adolescents: The case for greater task involvement

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Much concern has been expressed about the sedentary lifestyles adopted by a considerable number of children and adolescents (Sallis et al., 1992). This inactivity has repercussions for the current health status of young people (Sallis, Patterson, Buono, & Nader, 1988). It is also assumed that sedentary children typically grow into inactive adults. Thus, the failure to promote physical exercise among youngsters may have implications for their degree of wellness and quality of life across the lifespan.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)290-302
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1996


  • goal orientations
  • ego orientation
  • intrinsic motivation
  • achievement
  • goals
  • climate
  • questionnaire
  • beliefs
  • success
  • perceptions
  • fitness


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