Interpersonal reactivity differences in Tourette syndrome

Clare M. Eddy, Antonella Macerollo, Davide Martino, Andrea E. Cavanna

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Tourette syndrome (TS) frequently involves complex tics with social significance, including imitation or socially inappropriate behaviour. This study explored every-day perspective taking and empathic tendencies in 95 patients with TS and 60 healthy controls. Analyses indicated that both males and females with TS exhibited a different interpersonal reactivity profile to controls, characterised by a reduced tendency to take other people's perspectives, and elevated personal distress in response to intense emotional situations (e.g. people experiencing crises).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)932-935
Number of pages4
JournalPsychiatry Research
Issue number3
Early online date27 Jun 2015
Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2015


  • Emotion
  • Social cognition
  • Tourette syndrome


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