Improving the quality of care in care homes using the quality improvement collaborative approach: lessons learnt from six projects conducted in the UK and the Netherlands

Reena Devi, Graham Martin, Jay Banerjee , Louise Butler , Tim Pattison , Lesley Cruickshank , Caroline Maries-Tillott , Tracie Wilson , Sarah Damery, Julienne Meyer , Antonius Poot , Peter Chamberlain, Debbie Harvey, Clarissa Giebel , Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith , Neil Chadborn , Adam Lee Gordon

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The Breakthrough Series Quality Improvement Collaborative (QIC) initiative is a welldeveloped and widely used approach, but most of what we know about it has come from healthcare settings. In this article, those leading QICs to improve care in care homes provide detailed accounts of six QICs and share their learning of applying the QIC approach in the care home sector. Overall, five care home-specific lessons were learnt: (i) plan for the resources needed to support collaborative teams with collecting, processing, and interpreting data; (ii) create encouraging and safe working environments to help collaborative team members feel valued; (iii) recruit collaborative teams, QIC leads, and facilitators who have established relationships with care homes; (iv) regularly check project ideas are aligned with team members’ job roles, responsibilities, and priorities; and (v) work

flexiblyandacceptthatplannedactivitiesmayneedadaptingastheprojectprogresses. Theseinsights aretargeted atteams delivering QICs incare homes. Theseinsights demonstrate the need to consider the care home context when applying improvement tools and techniques in this setting.
Keywords: Quality Improvement Collaborative; Quality Improvement; Implementation Science; residential facilities; older people
Original languageEnglish
Article number7601
Pages (from-to)1-20
Number of pages21
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2020


  • Implementation Science
  • Quality Improvement
  • Quality Improvement Collaborative
  • older people
  • residential facilities


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