Furthering post-human political ecologies

Jared Margulies, Brock Bersaglio

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)


This critical review aims to facilitate explicit, ongoing consideration for how post-human geographies and political ecology stand to benefit one another empirically and theoretically. In it, we argue that post-human political ecologies are well-equipped to ensure that the broader post-human turn in geographical thought engages critically with the roles that humans and non-humans play in enactments of injustice – both as subjects of (in)justice and as beings whose actions have justice implications for myriad forms of life. By engaging with empirics drawn from research on tiger conservation in India, we deploy myth as a conceptual tool and as an heuristic device to illustrate how post-human political ecologies might further engage with the politics and power asymmetries embedded in conservation science and practice. To conclude, this critical review summarizes the merits of bringing the ‘cutting edge’ of post-human geographical literature into dialogue with the traditional concerns of political ecology and recaps the potential power that myth retains as an analytic in post-human political ecologies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-106
Number of pages3
Early online date24 Mar 2018
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018


  • Post-humanism
  • Human geography
  • Political ecology
  • Myth
  • Tiger
  • India


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