Fluoride-induced changes to proteoglycan structure synthesised within the dentine-pulp complex in vitro

RJ Waddington, R Moseley, Anthony Smith, Alastair Sloan, G Embrey

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18 Citations (Scopus)


Fluoride is known to influence mineralisation patterns within dentine, where alterations in the post-translational modification of proteoglycans (PG) have been proposed as an implicating factor. In light of recent studies elucidating changing PG profiles in the transition of predentine to mineralised dentine, this study investigates the influence of fluoride on the major PG populations (decorin, biglycan and versican) within the pulp, predentine and dentine. Tooth sections from rat incisors were cultured for 14 days in the presence 0, 1 and 6 mM sodium fluoride and the PG extracted from the pulp, predentine and dentine matrices. PG species and corresponding metabolites were identified by their immuno-reactivity to antibodies against decorin, biglycan and versican. Component glycosaminoglycan chains were characterised with respect to their nature, chain length and disaccharide composition. Levels of PG extracted from pulp and predentine were reduced, particularly for biglycan. Fluoride did not influence levels of decorin or versican within predentine or dentine, although the processing of these macromolecules within pulp and predentine was affected, particularly at higher fluoride concentrations. Levels of dermatan sulfate were reduced within pulp and predentine, although the effect was less pronounced for predentine. Fluoride reduced sulfation of glycosaminoglycan chains within pulp and predentine tissues, with a notable reduction in Deltadi6S evident. In all three tissues, glycosaminoglycan chain length was reduced. Considering the various roles for PG in the dentine-pulp complex, either directly or indirectly in the mineralisation process, changes in the synthesis, structure and processing of the different PG species within the pulp, predentine and dentine matrices provides a further molecular explanation for the altered mineralisation patterns witnessed during fluorosis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)142-151
Number of pages10
JournalBiochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2004


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