Financialization in the Crypto-Colonies: Greece and Thailand

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This essay elucidates analogies between the financial crisis in Thailand in the 1990s and the ongoing crisis in Greece by drawing on the concept of crypto-colonialism. It explores the analogies not only in the domain of the financialized infrastructure of economies, but also in the domain of racialized superstructures. Both countries experienced exceptionally rapid economic growth in the time preceding the crises, as well as increased current account deficits, but were also first to implode in the time of uncertainty. Production of subjectivities and race through political economy is elucidated as part of the disciplinary austerity mechanisms imposed in the aftermath of the crises in Greece and Thailand.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInterventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2018


  • Thailand
  • centre
  • crypto-colonialism
  • Greece
  • periphery
  • race


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