Customer Engagement

Y Alversia, Nina Michaelidou, Caroline Moraes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary


Customer engagement (CE) is an emerging area of scholarly enquiry focusing on the nontransactional relationship between customers and organizations. The concept has been captured by researchers as reflecting cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions, which underpin the customers' relationship with a firm, a particular product category or a brand. CE is a key concept in consumer research as it informs how customers establish relationships with products and brands and how this practice enables marketing strategy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWiley Encyclopedia of Management
ISBN (Electronic)9781118785317
ISBN (Print)9781119972518
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jan 2015

Bibliographical note

Publication date: First published: 21 January 2015


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