Creative differences? Measuring creative economy employment in the United States and the UK

Max Nathan, Thomas Kemeny, Dave O'Brien

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This paper compares the creative economies of the US and the UK regions and nations using high-quality administrative microdata spanning the period 2011–13. The creative industries are highly urbanized in both countries. However, important differences are found in the size, density and diversity of creative activity between the two countries, which reflect differences in both urban systems and industrial organization. By testing the ‘Creative Trident’ approach in a comparative international context, the analysis adds to the literature on definition and classification of creative economies, as well as to discussions of regional economic development through the creative economy.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages52
JournalRegional Studies
Early online date8 Jul 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 8 Jul 2019


  • Creative industries
  • Creative Trident
  • cities
  • labour markets
  • occupations
  • cross-country analysis


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