‘You probably won’t notice any symptoms’ Blood pressure in pregnancy: discourses of contested expertise in an era of self-care and responsibilisation

Lisa Hinton, A. Chisholm, B Jakubowski , Sheila Greenfield, K. Tucker , Richard McManus, L. Locock

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Pregnancy is not a disease or illness, but requires clinical surveillance as life-threatening complications can develop. Pre-eclampsia, one such potentially serious complication, puts both mother and baby at risk. Self-monitoring blood pressure in the general population is well established, and its potential in pregnancy is currently being explored. In the context of self-monitoring, the information and guidance given to women regarding hypertension, and the literature they themselves seek out during pregnancy, is vital to perceptions of disease risk and subsequent responses to, and management of, any symptoms. Drawing on online, offline, official and un-official sources of information, discourses are examined to provide analysis of how self-responsibilization is reflected in contemporary information, advice and guidance drawn from multiple sources. A paradox emerges between the paternalistic and lay discourses that seek to challenge and regain control. Findings are discussed in the context of Foucault’s governmentality and medical power.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1632-1644
JournalQualitative Health Research
Issue number9
Early online date11 Jun 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 Jun 2021


  • United Kingdom
  • blood pressure
  • discourse analysis
  • information
  • preeclampsia
  • pregnancy
  • qualitative methods
  • responsibilization
  • self-monitoring


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