XIV Modern Literature

Shawna Ross, Chris Mourant, Tiana M Fischer, Joshua Phillips, Katherine Parsons, Sophie Stringfellow, Gustavo A RodrÍguez MartÍn, Graham Saunders, Joshua Richards, Jack Quin, Rebecca Roach (Editor)

Research output: Contribution to journalReview article


This chapter has eight sections 1. General. 2. Fiction Pre-1945; 3. Fiction Post-1945; 4. Drama Pre-1950; 5. Drama Post-1950; 6. British Poetry Pre-1950; 7. British Poetry Post-1950; 8. Modern Irish Poetry. Section 1 is by Shawna Ross; section 2(a) is by Chris Mourant; section 2(b) will resume in 2023; section 2(c) is by Tiana M. Fischer; section 2(d) will resume in 2023; section 2(e) is by Joshua Phillips; section 3(a) is by Katherine Parsons; section 3(b) will resume in 2023; section 4(a) is by Sophie Stringfellow; section 4(b) is by Gustavo A. Rodríguez Martín; section 5 is by Graham Saunders; section 6(a) will resume in 2023, section 6(b) is by Joshua Richards; section 7 will resume in 2023; section 8 is by Jack Quin.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)971-1083
Number of pages113
JournalThe Year's Work in English Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 8 Nov 2022


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