Working Conditions: World Literary Criticism and the Material of Arvind Krishna Mehrotra

Jarad Zimbler

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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To what extent does cultural distance interfere with or limit literary experience? What kind of intimacy is needed to make a text into a work? This essay seeks to answer these questions by focusing on the writings of Arvind Krishna Mehrotra. In doing so, it suggests that the challenges of cultural distance may be most acute when dealing with texts from homo-linguistic literary environments, and that we might overcome these challenges by undertaking a world literary criticism that attends to localized fields and materials without forgetting the charge of particular works.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Work of World Literature
EditorsFrancesco Giusti, Benjamin Lewis Robinson
PublisherICI Berlin Press
ISBN (Electronic)9783965580138, 9783965580220
ISBN (Print)9783965580114, 9783965580121
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Publication series

NameCultural Enquiry
PublisherICI Berlin Press
ISSN (Print)2627-728X
ISSN (Electronic)2627-731X


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