Wide-angled off-axis achromatic metasurfaces for visible light

Shuang Zhang, ZL Deng, GP Wang

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We present an approach to build multiwavelength achromatic metasurface that can work in off-axis configuration with an ultra-wide applicable incident angle range for visible light. The metasurface is constructed by combining multiple metallic nano-groove gratings, which support enhanced diffractions for transverse magnetic polarization in an ultrawide incident angle range from 10° to 80° due to the excitations of localized gap plasmon modes at different resonance wavelengths. To achieve the achromatic diffraction, the ratio between the resonance wavelength and the period of each elementary grating is fixed. Incident light at those multiple resonance wavelengths can be efficiently diffracted into the same direction with near-complete suppression of the specular reflection. Based on the similar approach, we also design a wide-angled off-axis achromatic flat lens for focusing light of different wavelengths into the same position. Our findings provide an alternative simple way to design various off-axis achromatic flat optical elements without stringent angle requirement for imaging and display applications.

© 2016 Optical Society of America
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23118-23128
JournalOptics Express
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 26 Sept 2016


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