WASP-32b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter Planet Orbiting a Lithium-Poor, Solar-Type Star

P.~F.~L. Maxted, D.~R. Anderson, A. Collier Cameron, M. Gillon, C. Hellier, D. Queloz, B. Smalley, A.~H.~M.~J. Triaud, R.~G. West, R. Enoch, T.~A. Lister, F. Pepe, D.~L. Pollacco, D. Ségransan, I. Skillen, S. Udry

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We report the discovery of a transiting planet orbiting the star TYC 2-1155-1. The star, WASP-32, is a moderately bright (V = 11.3) solar-type star (T$_eff$ = 6100 plusmn 100 K, [Fe/H] = -0.13 plusmn 0.10). The light curve of the star obtained with the WASP-South and WASP-North instruments shows periodic transitlike features with a depth of about 1% and a duration of 0.10 day every 2.72 days. The presence of a transitlike feature in the light curve is confirmed using z -band photometry obtained with Faulkes Telescope North. High-resolution spectroscopy obtained with the Coralie spectrograph confirms the presence of a planetary mass companion. From a combined analysis of the spectroscopic and photometric data, assuming that the star is a typical main-sequence star, we estimate that the planet has a mass M$_p$ of 3.60 plusmn 0.07 M$_Jup$ and a radius R$_p$ = 1.19 plusmn 0.06 R$_Jup$. WASP-32 is one of a small group of hot Jupiters with masses greater than 3 M$_Jup$. We find that some stars with hot Jupiter companions and with masses M$_⋆$ ap 1.2 M$_⊙$, including WASP-32, are depleted in lithium and that the majority of these stars have lithium abundances similar to field stars.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1465
Number of pages1
JournalPublications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2010


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