Using the value creation framework to capture knowledge co-creation and pathways to impact in a transnational community of practice in autism education

Karen Guldberg, Alexia Achtypi, Luigi D'Alonzo, Katerina Laskaridou, Damian Milton, Paola Molteni, Rebecca Wood

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Although theories around Communities of Practice have gained significant ground in recent years and have become an important focus for organizational development, there is a gap in studies that investigate what members gain from participation in these communities. This paper explains how the value creation framework was implemented in a transnational research and development project in autism education by examining cycles of value creation and drawing on two types of data identified by Wenger and colleagues. The value creation framework is a theoretically driven framework to assess social learning in communities. Participants involved in the learning space were co-researchers engaged in a process of investigating, sharing and reflecting on their practice. The paper discusses the methodological challenges and strengths of using the value creation framework, with a particular focus on how insights and interactions led to subsequent changes in the practice of the participants. This work has the potential to make an important contribution to methods and analysis in assessing social learning and pathways to impact in participatory research and development projects more broadly.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-16
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Research and Method in Education
Early online date24 Dec 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Dec 2019


  • communities of practice
  • value-creation framework
  • knowledge co-creation
  • autism education
  • participatory research
  • autistic participation


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