Using telemonitoring to support personal care planning for adults with learning disabilities

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Introduction: We report on an evaluation of the Just Right (JR) approach for planning care for adults with learning disabilities (AWLD) and how it can support culture change. JR combines installing a tele-monitoring system with training for care managers in person centred care planning (PCP) and the interpretation of charts that summarise activity data for their setting. By providing insights into the needs of individuals JR allows existing care provision to be reviewed to ensure it is ‘just right’. The JR approach can also potentially identify over-care and resources that can released.

Methods: A mixed method approach was used, triangulating qualitative and quantitative baseline and follow-up data. Qualitative data were collected before and after implementation focus groups on barriers, enablers, success outcomes and impacts. A theory of change was developed. Detailed data on individual AWLDs were collected before and after installation of equipment using a linked online survey completed by their care managers.

Results: Nine commissioning local authorities were recruited with 33 care providers serving 417 AWLD. Issues relating to implementation included staff acceptance, culture, consent, safeguarding, local authority engagement, interpretation of data and setting. Changes to care were identified for 20.3% of individuals with 66% of providers not identifying any changes because JR confirmed they were providing the right level of support.

Discussion: By combining telemonitoring and PCP, JR provides a holistic approach and necessary information for conversations amongst stakeholders about the care needs of AWLDs. Depending on how it is introduced, and the nature of conversations held, JR approach can potentially change culture leading to improved outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Telemedicine and Telecare
Early online date17 Jul 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 17 Jul 2018


  • adults with learning disabilities
  • telemonitoring
  • telecare
  • person-centred care
  • evaluation
  • cost saving


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