Using human values‐based approach to understand cross‐cultural commitment toward regulation and governance of cybersecurity

Alexander Kharlamov, Ganna Pogrebna

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This article develops a new framework linking cross‐cultural human values, regulation, and governance in the area of cybersecurity. Cyber space is currently transitioning from a laissez‐faire into a regulated area. Yet, there is a significant heterogeneity in terms of the strength of commitment in different states to regulation and governance of digital spaces. Therefore, it is important to explore why this heterogeneity exists. This article proposes that heterogeneity in the commitment to regulation and governance of cyber space between different nations stems from the fundamental cross‐cultural differences in human values between countries. Using an example of cybersecurity, we show how the cultural value orientations theory maps onto national commitments to regulate and govern cybersecurity issues. We construct a theoretical framework linking human values with cybersecurity regulation and confirm the existence of this link empirically using the data from the international Schwartz Value Survey and the Global Cybersecurity Index.
Original languageEnglish
JournalRegulation & Governance
Early online date4 Oct 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 4 Oct 2019


  • cybersecurity
  • governance
  • human values
  • regulation


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