Tunable Materials

Andrew Dove (Inventor), Andrew Weems (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A photocurable resin composition, the photocurable resin composition comprises a prepolymer, a first photoinitiator, and a second distinct photoinitiator, the prepolymer comprising a repeating unit, the repeating unit comprising a first functional group and a distinct second functional group, the first photoinitiator having a first absorption wavelength, and the second distinct photoinitiator having a second absorption wavelength, the first photoinitiator having a first absorption wavelength to functionalise the first functional group, and the second distinct photoinitiator having a second absorption wavelength to functionalise the second functional group.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO 2020/234576 Al
Priority date17/05/19
Filing date18/05/20
Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2020


  • resin compositions
  • mechanical and/or chemical properties
  • additive manufacturing
  • stereolithography


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