Transpositions des Illuminations, ou Rimbaud en musique

Translated title of the contribution: Transpositions of Illuminations, or Rimbaud in Music

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Résumé La mise en musique des Illuminations par Benjamin Britten (1939) remanie le texte rimbaldien en effectuant des « transpositions » de prosodie, de forme, de sonorités, et de figuralismes. Nous proposons que ces « transpositions » proviennent d’un processus inhérent au texte poétique lui-même. Abstract Benjamin Britten’s 1939 setting of Les Illuminations reworks Rimbaud’s poetry by creating certain ‘transpositions’ of prosody, form, sound properties, and word-painting. The contention here is that these ‘transpositions’ stem from a process that is inherent to the poetic text itself.
Translated title of the contributionTranspositions of Illuminations, or Rimbaud in Music
Original languageFrench
Title of host publicationParade Sauvage - Revue d'etudes rimbaldiennes
PublisherÉditions Classiques Garnier
ISBN (Electronic)9782812436741
ISBN (Print)978-2-8124-3674-1
Publication statusPublished - 17 Apr 2015

Bibliographical note

The Journal also has a US-based website here: One of the editors-in-chief is US-based (Seth Whidden). The journal is peer-reviewed, and published in French by Classiques Garnier (usually with an ISBN number). Founded in 1984 and published by Classiques Garnier, Parade sauvage is an international scholarly journal bringing together studies of all aspects of the work and life of Rimbaud (including: biography, history and social contexts, semantics, philology, lexicography, poetics, formal and theoretical approaches to the Rimbaldian corpus).


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