Translation and psychometric assessment of the mastectomy module of the BREAST-Q questionnaire for use in Nigeria

Olalekan Olasehinde, Kathleen A. Lynch*, Debra A. Goldman, Olaide Agodirin, Chukwuma Okereke, Funmilola O. Wuraola, Israel Adeyemi Owoade, Promise Rebecca Akinmaye, Olusola Ajibade, Karin Barber, Joshua Ogunwale, Olusegun Alatise, T. Peter Kingham, Andrea Pusic, Anya Romanoff

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Background: The majority of non-metastatic breast cancer patients in sub-Saharan Africa are recommended to have mastectomy. The impact of mastectomy on a predominantly young African patient population requires evaluation. The BREAST-Q is a validated patient-reported outcome measure of quality-of-life following breast surgery that has been translated into 30 languages-none in Africa. This study aimed to translate and assess the psychometric properties of the mastectomy module of the BREAST-Q for use in Nigeria.

Methods: The BREAST-Q mastectomy module was translated from English to Yoruba and its psychometric properties assessed using best practice guidelines. Translation was performed in 4 steps: forward translation (x2), back translation, back translation review, and cognitive interviews with post-mastectomy patients. The translated BREAST-Q instrument was administered to post-mastectomy patients (n = 21) alongside the EORTC-QLQ BR23 to evaluate construct validity. Test-retest reliability was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC); surveys were re-administered 4 weeks apart.

Results: The translation process identified English phrases not amenable to direct translation, including “emotionally healthy” and descriptions of pain (“nagging,” “throbbing,” “sharp”). Translations were amended to reflect local context and question intent. During cognitive interviews, patients provided suggestions to simplify complex phrases, e.g. “discomfort in your breast area.”. Internal consistency within scales was over 0.70 for psychosocial wellbeing (α = 0.84–0.87), sexual wellbeing (α = 0.98–0.99), physical wellbeing in chest (α = 0.84–0.86), and satisfaction with care (α = 0.89–0.93). ICC for test-retest reliability was moderate (0.46–0.63).

Conclusions: The Yoruba version of the BREAST-Q mastectomy module presents a unique opportunity to adequately capture the experiences of Nigerian women post mastectomy. This instrument is being used in a pilot study of Nigerian patients to identify targets for intervention to improve the patient experience and compliance with breast cancer surgery.
Original languageEnglish
Article number17
JournalJournal of Patient-Reported Outcomes
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 9 Feb 2024

Bibliographical note

This study was funded by Schneider-Lesser Foundation.


  • Breast cancer
  • Patient reported outcomes
  • Nigeria


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