Transitioning food environments and diets of African migrants: implications for non-communicable diseases

Hibbah Osei-Kwasi, Daniel Boateng, Evans Atiah Asamane*, Robert Akparibo, Michelle Holdsworth

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Non-communicable diseases disproportionately affect African migrants from sub-Saharan Africa living in high-income countries (HICs). Evidence suggests this is largely driven by forces that include migration, globalisation of unhealthy lifestyles (poor diet, physical inactivity and smoking), unhealthy food environments, socio-economic status and population ageing. Changes in lifestyle behaviours that accompany migration are exemplified primarily by shifts in dietary behaviours from more traditional diets to a diet that incorporates that of the host culture, which promotes the development of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and CVD. The current paper presents a critical analysis of dietary change and how this is influenced by the food environment and the socio-economic context following migration. We used a food systems framework to structure the discussion of the interaction of factors across the food system that shape food environments and subsequent dietary changes among African migrant populations living in HICs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalThe Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
Early online date1 Dec 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Dec 2022


  • Food environments
  • Dietary change
  • African migrants
  • Non-communicable diseases


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