Tramadol/dexketoprofen (TRAM/DKP) compared with tramadol/paracetamol in moderate to severe acute pain: results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo and active-controlled, parallel group trial in the impacted third molar extraction pain model (DAVID study)

Cosme Gay-Escoda, Magdi Hanna, Antonio Montero, Thomas Dietrich, Stefano Milleri, Ewa Giergiel, Tóth Bagi Zoltán, Giustino Varrassi

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Objectives: To compare efficacy/safety of oral tramadol 75 mg/dexketoprofen 25 mg (TRAM/DKP) and TRAM 75 mg/paracetamol 650 mg (TRAM/paracetamol) in moderate to severe pain following surgical removal of impacted lower third molar.

Design: Multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase IIIb study.

Participants: Healthy adult patients scheduled for surgical extraction of at least one fully/partially impacted lower third molar requiring bone manipulation. 654 patients were randomised and 653 were eligible for analysis.

Interventions: Surgery was performed under local anaesthetic. No sedation was permitted. Patients rated pain intensity (PI) using an 11-Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) (0 no pain; 10 worst pain). Participants experiencing moderate/severe pain (≥4) within 4 hours of surgery were randomised (2:2:1 ratio) to a single oral dose of TRAM/DKP 75/25 mg, TRAM/paracetamol 75/650 mg or placebo.

Main outcome measures: Efficacy was based patients’ electronic diaries. Analgesia and pain were recorded as follows: pain relief (PAR) on a 5-point Verbal Rating Scale (0=‘no relief’, 1=‘a little (perceptible) relief’, 2=‘some (meaningful) relief’, 3=‘lot of relief’, 4=‘complete relief’) at the predefined postdose time points t15 min, t30 min, t1 hour, t1.5 hour, t2 hour, t4 hour, t6 hour and t8 hour and PI on the 11-point NRS at t0 and at the same predefined postdose time points. Onset of analgesia documented using double stopwatch method over a 2-hour period. Primary endpoint was total pain relief over 6 hours (TOTPAR6). Rescue medication was available during the treatment period.

Results: TRAM/DKP was superior to TRAM/paracetamol and placebo at the primary endpoint TOTPAR6 (p<0.0001). Mean (SD) TOTPAR6 in the TRAM/DKP group was 13 (6.97), while those in the active control and placebo groups were 9.1 (7.65) and 1.9 (3.89), respectively. Superiority of TRAM/DKP over active comparator and placebo was observed at all secondary endpoints. Incidence of adverse events was comparable between active groups.

Conclusions: TRAM/DKP (75/25 mg) is effective and superior to TRAM/paracetamol (75/650 mg) in relieving moderate to severe acute pain following surgical removal of impacted lower third molar, with a faster onset of action, greater and durable analgesia, together with a favourable safety profile.

Trial registration number: EudraCT 2015-004152-22 and NCT02777970.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere023715
Number of pages17
JournalBMJ open
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 6 Feb 2019

Bibliographical note

Gay-Escoda C, Hanna M, Montero A, et al Tramadol/dexketoprofen (TRAM/DKP) compared with tramadol/paracetamol in moderate to severe acute pain: results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo and active-controlled, parallel group trial in the impacted third molar extraction pain model (DAVID study) BMJ Open 2019;9:bmjopen-2018-023715. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023715


  • clinical trials
  • oral medicine
  • pain management
  • primary care
  • public health

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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