Topological twists of massive SQCD, Part I

Johannes Aspman, Elias Furrer, Jan Manschot

Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint


We consider topological twists of four-dimensional 𝒩=2 supersymmetric QCD with gauge group SU(2) and Nf≤3 fundamental hypermultiplets. The twists are labelled by a choice of background fluxes for the flavour group, which provides an infinite family of topological partition functions. In this Part I, we demonstrate that in the presence of such fluxes the theories can be formulated for arbitrary gauge bundles on a compact four-manifold. Moreover, we consider arbitrary masses for the hypermultiplets, which introduce new intricacies for the evaluation of the low-energy path integral on the Coulomb branch. We develop techniques for the evaluation of these path integrals. In the forthcoming Part II, we will deal with the explicit evaluation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jun 2022


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