Through the Lens of Language: Uncovering the Collaborative Nature of Advocates General’s Opinions

Karen McAuliffe, Liana Muntean, Virginia Mattioli

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


In this chapter the authors discuss their empirical research strategies through which innovative questions relating to the impact of language and multilingualism on the production of jurisprudence by the ECJ can be examined. Focusing specifically on the significance of language for Advocates General (AGs) at the ECJ, the authors examine how semi-structured interviews and corpus linguistics analysis can shine a light on processes within the ECJ that are otherwise invisible: semi-structured interviews are uniquely suited to uncovering otherwise invisible factors that impact the institutional culture of the ECJ; and corpus linguistics analysis can help to investigate whether those invisible factors can in fact be ‘seen’ in the output of that institution – its jurisprudence. The chapter demonstrates step by step how this unique research design can help to develop original objects of inquiry that speak to broader research questions relating to the impact of language on EU law more generally. By focusing specifically on the ‘added value’ of this type of empirical research to the body of work on the ECJ, the authors show how such methods can be used in an interdisciplinary way to gain a nuanced and rich understanding of the many layers that come together to produce EU jurisprudence.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearching the European Court of Justice
Subtitle of host publicationMethodological Shifts and Law's Embeddedness
EditorsMikael Rask Madsen, Fernanda Nicola, Antoine Vauchez
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages29
ISBN (Electronic)9781009049818, 9781009059428
ISBN (Print)9781316511299
Publication statusPublished - May 2022

Publication series

NameStudies on International Courts and Tribunals
PublisherCambridge University Press


  • Advocate General
  • ECJ
  • CJEU
  • Advocate General opinion
  • language
  • multilingualism
  • multilingual law
  • interdisciplinary
  • qualitative interviews
  • corpus linguistics
  • translation
  • référendaire
  • lawyer linguist
  • jurisprudence
  • EU law


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    Lee, R. (Co-Investigator) & McAuliffe, K. (Principal Investigator)

    European Commission


    Project: EU

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