The use of artificial compressibility to improve partitioned semi-implicit FSI coupling within the classical Chorin-Témam projection framework

Tao He, Tong Wang, Hexin Zhang

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Over the last decade the classical Chorin-Témam projection method has been utilized to address fluid-structure interaction in a semi-implicit manner. In previous studies the fluid projection step is fully coupled with the structural motion due to the divergence-free constraint. A set of simultaneous equations thus have to be iteratively solved. To overcome this difficulty, a simple and accurate partitioned semi-implicit coupling method is proposed based on the artificial compressibility (AC) in this paper. The iterated AC parameter decouples the pressure, end-of-step velocity and structural motion within the characteristic-based split scheme. The present approach is completely matrix-free and has unlimited access to the finite elements. Its performance is demonstrated for an oscillating bluff body subjected to uniform flows.
Original languageEnglish
JournalComputers & Fluids
Early online date2 Feb 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2 Feb 2018


  • Fluid-structure interaction
  • Semi-implicit coupling
  • Artificial compressibility
  • Projection method
  • CBS


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