The Three Es in Year Abroad: Expectations, Employability and Emotional Intelligence

Research output: Contribution to conference (unpublished)Paper


This paper is based on a study conducted at the University of Birmingham, which investigates change management of students majoring in modern languages before and during their Year Abroad. It focuses on findings regarding their goals and expectations and what these might tell us of their preparedness emotionally and academically for their sojourn abroad. Considering the context of research on intercultural learning (Houghton 2012) and emotional intelligence (Goleman 2004) the paper suggests how the students’ expectations of their Year Abroad matter, and how they could be better aligned with the goals of other stake holders, i.e. tutors, the university and future employers, in order to optimise the students’ Year Abroad experience both for them personally and in terms of their academic and career prospects.

Key words:
Graduate employability; graduate skills; emotional intelligence; transition, intercultural learning, students’ expectations
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2013
EventResidence Abroad, Social Networks and Second Language Learning Conference - University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
Duration: 10 Apr 201212 Apr 2012


ConferenceResidence Abroad, Social Networks and Second Language Learning Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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