The state of the sub-discipline: mapping parliamentary and legislative studies using a survey and bibliometric analysis of three of its journals

Caroline Bhattacharya, Gavin Hart, Sean Haughey, Stephen Bates, Alexandra Meakin

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We map the current state of parliamentary and legislative studies through a survey of 218 scholars and a bibliometric analysis of 25 years of publications in three prominent sub-field journals. We identify two groupings of researchers, a quantitative methods-, rational choice-favouring grouping, and a qualitative methods-, interpretivism-favouring grouping with a UK focus. Upon closer examination, these groupings share similar views about the challenges and future of the sub-discipline. While the sub-discipline is becoming more diverse and international, US-focused literature remains dominant and distinct from UK-focused literature, although there are emerging sub-literatures which are well placed to link them together.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbergsac011
JournalParliamentary Affairs
Early online date29 Apr 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 29 Apr 2022


  • bibliometrics
  • Diversity
  • Legislative studies
  • Parliamentary studies
  • Political Science
  • Sub-discipline
  • Survey


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