The romance inter-views: Syntax

Grant Armstrong, Karlos Arregi, Karen De Clercq, Caterina Donati, Antonio Fábregas, Luigi Rizzi, Andrés Saab, Norma Schifano

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The Romance Inter-Views are short, multiple Q&A pairs that address key issues, definitions and ideas regarding Romance linguistics. Prominent exponents of different approaches to the study of Romance linguistics are asked to answer some general questions from their viewpoint. The answers are then assembled so that readers can get a comparative picture of what’s going on in the field.

For the first Inter-Views we selected (morpho-)syntactic research, and asked 8 syntacticians, representing four approaches to the study of Romance linguistics, to answer our questions. The approaches we selected are Cartography, Distributed Morphology, Minimalism, and Nanosyntax. The scholars we interviewed are listed hereafter.

For Cartography:
Luigi Rizzi, professor of Linguistics at the Collège de France;
Norma Schifano, lecturer in Modern Languages at the University of Birmingham.

For Distributed Morphology:
Karlos Arregi, associate professor in Linguistics at the University of Chicago;
Andrés Saab, associate researcher at CONICET, Buenos Aires and associate professor in Linguistics at the University of Buenos Aires.

For Minimalism:
Grant Armstrong, associate professor of Spanish Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison;
Caterina Donati, professor of Linguistics at the CNRS Laboratoire de Linguistique formelle, Université de Paris

For Nanosyntax:
Karen De Clercq, CNRS researcher at the Laboratoire de Linguistique formelle (Université de Paris).
Antonio Fábregas, professor of Linguistics at UIT, The Arctic University of Norway
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 18 Feb 2021


  • cartography
  • distributed morphology
  • nanosyntax
  • romance lingusitics
  • syntax


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