The Role of Caspase-2 in Regulating Cell Fate

Vasanthy Vigneswara, Zubair Ahmed

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Caspase-2 is the most evolutionarily conserved member of the mammalian caspase family and has been implicated in both apoptotic and non-apoptotic signaling pathways, including tumor
suppression, cell cycle regulation, and DNA repair. A myriad of signaling molecules is associated with the tight regulation of caspase-2 to mediate multiple cellular processes far beyond apoptotic cell death. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the literature pertaining to possible sophisticated molecular mechanisms underlying the multifaceted process of caspase-2 activation and to highlight its interplay between factors that promote or suppress apoptosis in a complicated regulatory network that determines the fate of a cell from its birth and throughout its life.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1259
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 19 May 2020


  • activation
  • apoptosis
  • caspase-2
  • extrinsic
  • intrinsic
  • neurons
  • procaspase
  • splice variants


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