The micro-foundations of Corporate Purpose: Performance management in dynamic environments

Cristiano Busco*, Elena Giovannoni, Angelo Riccaboni, Mark Frigo

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This paper examines the micro-foundations of ‘corporate purpose’, that is the enduring reason for being of a corporation in relation to society. While the relevance of corporate purpose has been widely recognized, its practical enactment by managers at the operating level remains problematic, particularly in dynamic environments. By relying upon the field study of a leading Italian group in the food industry, and the literature on the micro-foundations of institutions, we explore the role of a performance management system (PMS) in mobilizing corporate purpose in specific practical situations at the management level, while the organization faces the demands coming from the external environment. We show that the PMS can be drawn upon by managers as a set of tools and practices through which purpose is situated at the micro-level into actions, decisions, and material artefacts that come together in a ‘social situation’. Here, the PMS enables managers to recognize a ‘situation’ for enacting different aspects of purpose through interactions, filling it with evolving meanings, while sustaining its connections with global development needs.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100890
JournalManagement Accounting Research
Early online date23 Mar 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 23 Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

This paper presents part of the outcomes of a research project titled “Aligning strategy to organizational purpose: performance management for the purpose-driven organization”, 2019–2021, funded by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Research foundation. We are extremely grateful to the Institute for the funding received in support of our project. Furthermore, we would like to thank the guest editors, and the two anonymous reviewers for all suggestions provided during the review process, as well as our contacts and informants at Barilla company for their time and kind availability.


  • performance management systems
  • corporate purpose
  • micro-foundations
  • social situations
  • societal development
  • Dynamic environments
  • case study


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