The little book of smart cities

Marianna Cavada, Dexter Hunt, Christopher Rogers

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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‘Smart Cities’ forms part of the ‘Liveable Cities’ research project, a five year programme grant (2012 – 2017) whose vision is to transform the engineering of cities to deliver global and societal wellbeing within the context of low-carbon living and resource security. This little book explores what is actually meant by smart (cities). More importantly, it is about how, given a range of contexts and local conditions, we can make cities smart for everyone. This book, explores the following ideas: • To identify and elucidate different city typologies (Section 2) • To explore Smart Cities meaning(s) according to stakeholder groups (Section 3) • To identify world leading Smart City examples (Section 4) • To highlight contrast and compare Smart Initiatives in two UK cities (Section 5) • Conclusion (Section 5.4) This ‘Little Book of Smart Cities’ offers a general picture to how we might better understand smartness and provides an overview of how smart cities are defined and implemented today.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017


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